

I guess I got tired of drifting along the highway, so I decided to blast myself off to drift in outer space instead. Perhaps this is my way of attempting a more detached look on things or maybe retreating further inside my Ivory Tower. However, I'd like to think of it as like most astronauts who have contemplated their existence amidst the vastness of stars: the ability to present a new perspective that is beyond surface level. And since going to space require some degree of development--we could say growth--I hope this blog would reflect such growth through the quality of entries.

Well, enough of the lofty stuff above, where I myself rolled my eyes while I typed. I noticed in my previous blog that I didn't write much about my own interests, not that I am not capable of tackling the topics of the moment and indeed I must say I did well enough, but that I find it to be tiring maybe because of lack of enthusiasm. So what then are these interests of mine? Actually, they're a lot, since I am a jack of all trades kind of person. The most obvious, and possibly the first interest that I formed, would be astronomy, the motif for this blog. Branching off from that, I'm also interested in space travel of the real and fictional kind.

Branching further on the side of the real world, other related interests would be vehicles that travel through aerospace, my favorite of which are fighter planes and related to these are other military stuff. Then there's the high technology associated with space-farers. This leads to my profession which is in IT, and my education which is in applied mathematics (I'm afraid, with non-practice, my skills in it have been slowly disappearing). I'd like to think of myself as a man of science, but it's not unusual for me to be open to supernatural phenomenon. In fact, I do have a strong religious upbringing and this may come out in occasional homilies (which may sound more like rants).

On the fictional or artistic side this leads to my interests in science fiction or alternative/future realities. Explorations of such topics are mostly prevalent in anime. But of course it's not just for the geeky stuff that I consume anime, videos and other literature. When it comes to the arts, my tastes are varied and my tolerance is high, but let me mention the other thing that I'm such a sucker for, it's pretty much related to the idealism from the Ivory Tower of outer space: let's just say I'm a hopeless romantic.

I'm sure there are some other interests I have left out, but I fear that I might ramble on and on and end up with a kilometric entry. Indeed that's another thing I'd like to practise here: to refrain from tl;dr entries that had plagued my previous blog. Besides, like the expanding universe, this is an expanding blog where I could spread out my thoughts with posts after posts.

Spaceoutpost has launched, good luck and Godspeed.

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